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Geometry dash SOLITUDE background

Geometry dash SOLITUDE background

Sonic Arrow: When activated, Hanzo prepares a special Sonic Arrow, which is fired the next time he uses his Storm Bow.This is typically only done at close range when combined with a quick melee attack. You should only quick nock (press and immediately release the primary fire button) if it will guarantee you a kill.

Geometry dash SOLITUDE background

Try to always charge your shots fully before firing.Be sure to compensate for this at longer distances by aiming slightly above your target. You should try to aim for headshots if your enemy is either stationary or moving in a predictable way.

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  • The arrows from Storm Bow can headshot, greatly increasing the damage they deal.
  • You can press the secondary fire button at any time to drop the shot without firing an arrow. The damage and range of the arrow depends on how long the primary fire button was held down, up to a maximum amount. Releasing the primary fire button will fire a projectile arrow from the bow. Pressing and holding the primary fire button will cause Hanzo to draw the bow back. Use side routes to appear in the areas your enemies least expect, as it will make it easier for you to get kills.
  • Hanzo's main method of moving around the map.
  • Hanzo can release the jump button and press it again to leap off the wall at any point during the climb.
  • Wall Climb (Passive): Hanzo can climb up any flat, vertical surface by pressing and holding the jump button while next to that surface.
  • His downsides include the poor aim of Storm Bow at long range, often requiring him to get dangerously close to his opponents to accurately hit them. The relatively silent and hard-to-see nature of his arrows makes him a stealthier sniper than Widowmaker, able to get kills and then retreat before his enemies see him. Hanzo is a medium-range sniper with strong team utility and area denial abilities. While facing a wall, hold Forward while airborne to wall climb. While facing a wall, hold Jump and Forward to wall climb.

    Geometry dash SOLITUDE background