Windows (C):/Programme Files (x86)/Steam/Steamapps/Common/MotorsportManager/MMData The Resource ASSET file, along with the SharedAssets files 3-76 are pasted in: To install this mod in its entirety, files located at Windows (C):/Programme Files (x86) /Steam/Steamapps/Workshop/Content/415200/2738161096/Extras need to be copy/pasted to replace the existing files. New tyre models for F1 cars will be added When the liveries and line ups of all cars and teams are released, this mod will be updated to reflect these.

A series of extra files based on alternate scenarios A selection of potential suppliers for all teams A wide array of over 120 liveries across all series, including multiple alternate liveries for Formula 1 Information and logos for over 450 sponsors Portraits for over 260 drivers, as well as hundreds of team personnel Circuits renamed to account for over 65 circuits All the teams and drivers from F1, F2, F3, Ind圜ar, Indy Lights and the World Endurance Championship Links to these can be found at the bottom of this description box. NOTE: For this mod it is highly recommended that the Enhanced Graphics and Extended Camera mods are also used. F1 Manager 2022 features all the major drivers, teams, locations, sponsors, personnel, and media from the 2022 racing season.